Gmünd in Kärnten buses

Legal disclosures of Gmünd in Kärnten buses

The vehicle hire company Gmünd in Kärnten buses has emerged from a beneficial cooperation between the tour operator City Tours Europe and many local vehicle operators in Gmünd in Kärnten, from other municipalities in Austria, from the adjacent contries Salzburg, Styria, Italy, Slovenia, and Tyrol, and from entire Europe. Gmünd in Kärnten buses's services are composed of uncomplicated reservation of chauffeur-driven vehicles around and across Gmünd in Kärnten and in all closeby regions. In addition, Gmünd in Kärnten buses can as well charter out splendid buses for sightseeing in Carinthia and in every one of its enveloping areas. We can reply to our customer's inquiries relating to our office and concerning the good coach operators with whom we work hand in hand. We hope for you to just drop us a line at .

A quick summary about the intercontinental bus rental company City Tours Europe

The prestigious coach tour operator City Tours Europe was founded in Vienna and cardinally specializes in prompt reserving of coaches with driver for sightseeing tours and business transfers in Austria, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, and Slovakia, and in all topographically near and distant territories on the surface of Europe. City Tours Europe operates in all countries belonging to Europe and runs seats in these countries: Poland, Austria, Italy, and Germany.

Bus operator in Gmünd in Kärnten


Coaches booking in Carinthia



These are the corporate notifications of City Tours Europe

In case you feel the need to read all the important informations concerning City Tours Europe, please visit the website Europe Buses.

Our address is: City Tours GmbH, Rosaliagasse 19/6, A-1120 Wien, Austria. Phone number: +43 1 966 02 61. Telefax: +43 1 253 30 33/ 7792.

Company management and capital: Alexander Ehrlich (director) and Katarina Bachner (authorized signatory). Corporate capital: EUR 35.000,00, entirely subscribed and transferred.

Important business registrations: Tour operator license n° 2011/0010 at the Austrian ministry for economy and labour. Privacy protection n° 3000394 at the Austrian data protection commission. Member of: Vienna chamber of commerce. VAT-ID: ATU66115401. Registration number: FN 355042x, at the Vienna court of commerce. Insolvability insurance: Zürich Insurance, policy n°: 701.014.823.504. Executor: Europ. Reiseversicherung, Kratochwjlestr. 4, 1220 Wien. If you want to read our privacy policy, please read here. For more information, we invite you to visit the subsequent domain: